The weave- calendar contains 12 pages, one for each month oft he year and is also a product of „Vävmagasinet“, suitable for each weaving studio or workplace.
Each month surprises with a new project, showing a coloured picture of the final product on the front site. The back-site contains the detailed instruction how to make it. The calendar has size A4 (about 21cm x 29 cm).
Some oft he instructions might have been published already in former subscriptions of the VäV-magazine, which might be no longer available – a good chance for beginners to take this as an advantage. Other instructions are especially designed fort he calendar.
The calendar fort he year 2019 has the slogan: 12 month – 12 weaves.
4 of the projects are suitable for frame-weaving.
6 of the projects can be executed with a 4-shaft loom and 2 projects need a 8-shaft loom. The used materials are wool, alpaka, linen and cotton.
In our shop the calendar is available in English language only.
If you may require a Swedish version, please contact us before hand in order to place exclusive order at VäV in time.
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