VÄV Magasinet single issue

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Vaev magazine is the main textile and weaving magazine in Scandinavia – puplished four times a year ( usally in week 8, 17, 34 and 47)

The single issue contain ten weaving projects with detailed instuctions, specially designed and woven from well-known weavers for the “VäV Magasinet “. Look forward to projects from weaving profesionals, wich share their experience in term of materials and techniques used. The instructions contain a substantial amount of pictures and mostly self-explaining. Most of the projects can be reproduce using yarns out of the portfolio of “Garnhuset in Kinna” – Our main supplier from Sweden.

ScandinavianWeaving Magazine is published in a colorful and inspiring issues annually and is available in two editions: Swedish and English. We also offer a free German translation of the projects and technical articles as download.

Content of each subscription:

  • Information about textile materials, their poduction and handling as well as actual trends and news
  • Portaits of textile artists and craftman from all over the world, containing pictures and photos of their products
  • Reportage about exhibitions and fairs, mainly fron Scandinavia
  • Introduction of traditional techniques and weaves and it’s implementation
  • Weave projects for execution with exact description oft he used materials and bill of material
  • Weave projects for inspiration

The costs for postage are not included in the subscription price, but can be seen in the „shopping basket“ before final order placement.
The price for the complete annual subscription must be paid before the delivery oft he first magazine. The annual subscription order is automatically extended for one more year, unless the order has not been resigned in a written form (letter or mail) at latest one month before expiry.


The german translation  oft he projects out of each magazine can be downloaded as pdf-file. As special service we send a link to the download -site as soon the translation is available.

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